ベートーヴェン 交響曲 第5番 ハ短調 作品67 第1楽章 「運命」
L.V. Beethoven : Symphony No.5 in C minor op.67 1st mov.
Joe Hisaishi : Studio Ghibli OST Fantasy
Ishikawa Sayuri : Tsugaru Kaikyou Fuyugeshiki
Indonesian Folk Songs & Dances, others
Guest Performer
狩野 裕美
2017年 8月 26日(土)
ここでチケットを購入する : http://Angklung Concert Sunpearl Arakawa
サンパール荒川 大ホール
Saturday, August 26th , 2017 at Sunpearl Arakawa Main Hall – Tokyo
【市バス】「荒川区役所前」 徒歩2分
【電車】 都電荒川線「荒川区役所前」 駅より 徒歩2分 日比谷線「三ノ輪」駅より 徒歩12分(荒川警察署向い)
13:30 開場/14:00 開演 14:00 start 全席自由 1,000円
Buy ticket here: http://Angklung Concert Sunpearl Arakawa
2017年 8月27日(日)
ここでチケットを購入する : http://Angklung Concert Zushi Culture Plaza
逗子文化プラザホール なぎさホール
Sunday, August 27th , 2017 at Zushi Culture Plaza Nagisa Hall – Kanagawa
京浜急行「新逗子」 駅より徒歩2分 JR 「逗子」駅より徒歩 5分
13:30 開場/14:00 開演
14:00 start
全席自由 1,000円
Buy ticket here: http://Angklung Concert Zushi Culture Plaza
Expand the Sound of Angklung
KPA 3 was a pioneer in performing modern pop music by traditional instrument, which was considered a major breakthrough. As time passed by, KPA3 has attained numerous achievements, confirm it as one of Indonesia’s leading angklung orchestra. Along its journey, KPA3 has enlightened its vision in strengthening the quality of angklung tradition and making the angklung one of Indonesia’s contribution to the tapestry of mankind history. Further, KPA 3 is strongly determined to continuosly develop the interest on angklung play for the sake of Indonesia’s identity and dignity.
Expand the Sound of Angklung (ESA) is an endeavor focusing on our current strategic vision of angklung globalization. Angklung globalization has to be more than just presenting the culture. It has to be about building a strong cultural image of angklung and its’ philosophical values as one of the world’s legacy that can actually be used for various purposes. From entertainment to education, from fun party to world peace campaign.